The 2009 Noble Peace Prize was awarded to President Barack Obama, "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." The keyword being efforts. After the award was announced by the world media a frenzy broke out; and in this frenzy not many were in support of this decision. In my humble opinion it is all because of the keyword.
Now I do not want to start a political clash over the presidency of Barack, but I will, however, give you a different scenario. Would the prize ever go to anyone else for their "extraordinary efforts" other than Mr. Obama? Case in point - a mediator.
Before you say, oh, there he goes again trying to tie everything to mediation. Bare with me for just a minute. Mediators work with disputing parties to accomplish peace between them and settle their disputes. (Hopefully) All mediators give their extraordinary efforts to every case and work very hard at it. Now what is Obama if not a mediator for the Middle East? He is giving his best to try and settle a dispute which has been going on for millenniums and so far has not succeeded. Now as a mediator I know that not every case will settle from the very first time, but when a mediator does not settle a case he/she rarely gets an award.
As I said, mediators (not all - granted) give their extraordinary efforts every day, but do not receive The Noble Peace Prize, so if it was anybody else instead of Obama he or she would never get the prize for effort. Being that effort in science, health or peace; extraordinary or not.
I will say this though, the president decided to donate the monetary award of 1.4 million dollars to charity. Maybe even he thinks its a bit too much.