Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I have interviewed a person for the job who sounded great! Knew what I was talking about, seemed to be very professional and was willing to start work immediately. We finished our conversation with me telling him to keep me posted and even though there was no deadline on my research I requested to be updated on weekly basis. Three weeks - no calls, no emails, no responses to my emails or calls. In the epic words of Donald Trump, "You're fired!"
Since then I had similar and worse experiences with three other people; I think it's evident that people in this town don't want to work. Not even for good money. As a mediator, who should be able to find common ground with anyone, I am stumped.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Feel free to comment and of course view all of the Services available to you through Right Triangle Mediation.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
From a mediator's standpoint, I must say that the task for the neutral in this dispute could workout in two ways. Either very easy or very tough. The dispute is mostly over revenue sharing generated from Internet downloads and sales. The demand is not an unreasonable one if you take into consideration the age we live in. but the amount in question is a mystery. The bottom line is going to direct the settlement of this dispute. Meanwhile, I am missing all the new episodes of my favorite shows. Are you?
Monday, November 5, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Hold on, man. We don't go anywhere with "scary," "spooky," "haunted," or "forbidden" in the title. ~From Scooby-Doo
Scooby-Doo is right, we really try not to go in anywhere where it is scary, spooky or forbidden, but then why do we always like to bring our matters into court? When asked, the majority of people is terrified of standing in front of the judge - terrified. And even so, we still end our major arguments with the simple phrase of , "I'll sue you!" Why not change that to, "Let's mediate?" I admit, it does not sound as cool or as threatening, but is being threatening to someone really our goal in a dispute. The goal is to settle our differences in a civilized and understanding manor. So if for one night of Halloween the dead and alive alike can roam in harmony, why can't we as humans resolve our everyday conflicts in a non-adversarial manner?
Happy Halloween everyone!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
It happened before, the '94 earthquakes, '03 fire, Catrina and other unfortunate disasters, which caused us millions in dollars and moral devastation. There is no question in my mind that after all the fires are put out in Sand Diego, Malibu, Riverside, Antelope Valley and everywhere and anywhere else the scorcher took place, the insurance companies will be very busy.
Let me get one thing out of the way, insurance companies are not evil. However, they are not going to throw their money away either. They will fight for every cent and they will fight hard. Solution? Mediation.
Insurance company mediation is one of the most common mediation around and for a good reason. It works. Give the insurance company a chance to make it right and I promise that with the right neutral [mediator] in the middle you will be pleasantly surprised. Don't be shy to offer mediation to your insurance company, before you hire an attorney.
Next time you deal with an insurance company, remember the mediator.
Gov. Racicot & CA Insurance Commissioner Discuss CA Fires
For more information, check out http://www.rtmediation.com/
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
~ Benjamin Franklin
This quote was true then and it is true now; however, I think that it may use, as so many of our things today, an upgrade. In this world nothing is certain but death, taxes and debt. In the Menshealth.com article titled, "Is Your City a Debt Trap?" The writer grades the cities of the USA depending on their indebtedness status, from F to A. This is no surprise, start up credit card consolidation companies and debt management companies are on the rise, ironically so is fraud. Many of these companies do not deliver on their promise, well at least not to the consumer.